Finca la Valentina

About Us

The origin of the interest of the Osorio family in the cultivation of coffee dates back to the 19th century when Mr. David Osorio, of Jewish origin, born May 19, 1865 in Curaçao, Dutch Antilles emigrated to Panama in the year 1900.

In 1915, he moved to Boquete, to work in the activity of a coffee farm and its beneficiary, complemented with the activity of raising dairy cattle.

According to the history of the Osorio family, operations on the farm continued until the 1940s. After this date, the family emigrated to the City of David to engage in various commercial activities.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the brothers Efraín Alberto Osorio Baxter and Benjamín Alberto Osorio Baxter, very encouraged by their parents: Don Efraín “Tito” Osorio and Valentina Baxter de Osorio, decided to resume the activity of their ancestors, acquiring a beautiful Coffee Farm. in the region of Horqueta-Boquete, very close to where his family worked in the past tense, calling it “Finca La Valentina”, in honor of his mother.

As a curious fact, the Finca de los Osorio in its past activities, maintained an internal currency for the payment of workers. The token would be given to a worker for filling one half of a “can” with raw coffee beans into cherries. A “can” was a metal box about a cubic foot in size. On payday the tokens would be converted into money. In many cases, the tokens could also be redeemed at the plantation store.

Currently, Finca La Valentina has an extension of 12.5 HAS, of which 8.5 HAS are planted with different varieties of coffee, mainly GEISHA, CATUAI, TYPICA and PACAMARA. The rest of the farm approximately 4 HAS are planted with timber trees (cypress, pine and eucalyptus) duly registered by the Environmental Authority, in addition to various fruit trees.

Within the grounds there are two beautiful streams of living water and a spring of water for consumption. Its topography is broken (mountain), humiferous soil, year-round temperature between 15 to 20 degrees, with a minimum height of 1,500 meters above sea level and a maximum height of 1,675 meters above sea level.

New beginnings on an old family tradition

In 2007, at the beginning of the 21th century, Efrain and Benjamin Osorio Baxter acquire a coffee farm from Manuel Lorenzo, a prosperous Spaniard immigrant that owned and worked the land for more than 20 years.

The two brothers decided to name the farm Finca La Valentina, in honor of their mother Valentina Baxter de Osorio, who, along with their father Efrain “Tito” Osorio, encourage them to restart on the family tradition of coffee.

Our coffee production

  • We started our specialty coffee production in 2008 with our first lot of Geisha coffee.
  • In 2009 we expanded the specialty lots, selecting red Catuai & Typica in addition to Geisha.
  • Presently, we proudly prepare Six different lots of specialty coffee from our yearly crop: 

Social responsibility and sustainability

  • Finca La Valentina is a work environment FREE of child labor. 
  • We are committed to the protection of the environment and our natural water sources.
  • We provide work opportunities for local indigenous communities (men and women) with full welfare benefits.
  • We ensure the future quality of our coffee by selecting from best beans every year for our tree nursery.
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